Stewardship Legacy Coaching
EOS Implementation PartnersStewardship Legacy Coaching™ extends beyond the dollar sign to help you accumulate lasting treasure and leave a lasting legacy. We focus not just on the entrepreneur’s “wealth transfer”, but also on their “wisdom transfer” of vision, mission, core values, culture and business lessons learned.
Everything we do is because we passionately believe that entrepreneurs were created to thrive, to show the LORD’s goodness in the marketplace, and to pass on an enduring legacy!
So, we help you get what you really want from your business by implementing a complete system, with simple tools, that helps the leadership team do three things really well. We call those Vision, Traction and Healthy.
From there, as goes the leadership team, so goes the rest of the organization. Then we get to the point where everybody in the organization is 100% on the same page with the vision, getting traction on that Vision with discipline and real accountability and working together as a healthy, cohesive bunch of people.
Ultimately, we guide you all the way through a successful transfer of your company as a thriving and enduring business legacy with the help of the EOS model. And that’s who we are.