A job is much more than a way to make a living. It provides a creative outlet, social interaction, and a structure for your day.
A job can also fulfill a passion to make a positive impact on the world. This aspect is especially
important for employees in a post-Covid world. In fact, an October 2021 survey by Catalyst-
CNBC found that out of the polled American workers who want more fulfilling lives and jobs,
24% say it’s because they want a job with more purpose.
Do your employees know their work matters? As a leader, manager, business owner, or
entrepreneur, there are many intentional steps you can take to communicate purpose in your
organization as both a company and workplace. Close HR Connections can help you navigate
those decisions. We’ll create an HR Game Plan to address areas such as:
- Development and communication of company story, values, and mission
- Create an employee onboarding experience introducing them to how the mission, vision, and core values are integrated into the workplace
- Identifying opportunities for giving back to the community
- Building programs for employee recognition rewarding contributions to the company mission
- Offering meaning benefits to employees
See a full list of our services and contact us today to schedule an on-site or virtual consultation
with our HR experts. You can also sign up for our monthly newsletter using the form below to stay up to date on our shared HR knowledge, tips, trends, how-to’s, and news and insights. We’re confident that – whether your organization is small or large, for-profit or non-profit – we have a solution for you.